Although Obama is decreasing the taxes on the middle class, the upper class is clearly going to take it on the chin. Obviously, the rich supply a great deal of investment dollars that drive our economy as opposed to the drain created by the middle class as most government spending goes to their social security, medical care, education and other wasteful excesses. So in anticipation of the treacherous economic times caused by taxing the rich, I am proposing countermeasures.
1. If the rich are taxed into poverty and are left hungry and homeless, we should make extra efforts to feed and house them.
If the rich find that the additional taxes interfere with their ability
to invest more, we should provide career training to get them into
professions that will allow them to earn more to make up the difference.
We should also make sure that the rich are allowed to get time and a
half from their employers when they work more than forty hours a week.
We should pass laws that provide the wealthy a guaranteed four week
paid vacations so that they will feel rested up the rest of the year to
earn more money. Also, they will have more time to spend money during
their vacations which will help the economy.
5. Realizing that a
higher tax rate will depress the rich and keep them from working harder
to make more money, we should make sure that the rich get free
treatment for depression including full prescription coverage.
6. As
the take home wealth of the rich dips down to a perilous level, similar to the amount that the middle
class ekes out, this will cause great hardships. To counteract this
horrible prospect, the middle class should appear to have even less
wealth by driving dinged up cars, wear less bling and not appear to be
too happy. This effort may help to ease the trauma the rich may have as
their income dips.
7. As the rich people watch their trust funds
fall in value due to the current market downturn, we should create a
system that will ensure that the rich will not go without any income in
their senior years.
8. As the rich watch their taxes rise, competing
with their ability to pay for their medical care and decreasing the
amount available for investment, we should provide them free medical
9. In the horrible case of a rich person becoming physically
or mentally incapacitated and the increase of taxes prevents them
enough income to survive, we should step in with monthly checks to help
pay them in these difficult days.
10. If the high taxes make the
rich less efficient than the middle class in creating wealth, this might lead to the rich losing their vaunted position
in society and allow the middle class to supplant them as the more
efficient driver of the economy. In this case, it is unfair to allow
the rich to lose their jobs as the major economic drivers of this
economy without some recompense. We should therefore have a system of
unemployment benefits for the rich until they can get back in the role
of driver of the economy.
I hope we can enact these reasonable reforms to soften the blow of lowering taxes on the middle class while soaking the rich. We are nothing if not a humane society that values the wealthy no less than the least of us.