With absolutely no sense of irony, the debut of the current Star Wars movie coincided with news that the Air Force and Bush administration were opening the door to wars in space. Of course, this is too subtle for the press, but the apparent parallels in the movie to the current political situation is kicking up a storm. But it is the current war that we should be especially worried about with generals saying that the hoped for draw down keeps being postponed. The news of the British memo only compounds the sadness, as it won't work well in this country as a smoking gun(see The lies that led to war ). And that is because the press is still gun-shy about stories that both criticize the administration and are not slam dunks. The memo may accurately state the British position but it is second hand/hearsay regarding the Bush administration. And those of us in this country that are clued into the corruption and deception, well, we already knew.
So what to do?
Well, my suggestion is to bet. I will set up a pool where we can bet on what, how and when the Bush administration will do something that will kill all of humanity. The what could be starting a war of aggression in Iraq that leads to a greater war throughout the middle-east that dooms us. Or it could be the recent energy bill that tips the balance to global warming. Or the pitiful diplomacy of Rice and Bolton in North Korea that leads to ICBMs launching. Heck, this administration makes this pool of destruction multi-layered as they may do several, but only one of the screw ups will be the first to do us in. The other positive aspect is even if the winner gets the trifecta of what, how and when, there will be no way to collect from the rest of us losers.
Now the handful of you out there that thinks this is morbid and feels we should work to elect sane leadership, well, you don't have to get in on the action. As for me I am putting my money on: what, ruining Social Security; how, failing to protect private pensions and keeping budget busting giveaways to the wealthy, our main creditor China pulls the plug on our credit card, leading to a war with them in space; when, August 6, 2030. Your turn.