Should Dean allow the Democrats to go further to the left? Is the Bush administration going to far to the right?
Political strategy has nothing to do with left and right. Talking heads pontificate about moderates and the right and left wings, but all they are doing is wasting our time. In fact, the sooner you forget about left and right when talking about political strategy the sooner you will be able to understand it. Political strategy is about us versus them. PERIOD.
The Democrats are failing because they prefer to defer to the right on defining issues in us versus them. Democrats must adopt a populist attitude and define every issue as us versus them. (Repeating this until it sinks in). Republicans have gotten away with using unnatural divisions, able to somehow allow the powerful and wealthy, a very small subset of the U.S. population, with various divisions of the population, especially the rural (again small numbers but over-sized electoral power) and white Christian males (solid minority). Although this seems obvious, Democrats are notorious for blowing it. For examples, see below:
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